Tuesday, April 29, 2014

God Sleeps in Rwanda

Upon watching God Sleeps in Rwanda, I learned that women of Rwanda have had to endure a lot.  According to the short film, women's pasts were chaotic - many of whom were comparably young.  In 1994, Rwanda's Hutu government conducted an "ethnic cleansing" against it's Tutsi minority.  For some women, their pasts were packed with hardships such as (but not limited to) loss of family due to genocide and/or being a rape victim.  The latter could subsequently have led to the contraction of HIV/AIDS, or becoming impregnated - both of which would be quite shocking and life-changing, especially initially.  For those young women who had been in school and their families had suffered the loss of their parents, many had to stop going to school in order to take care of their younger siblings, giving up what some believed was their only future.  In short, women of Rwanda have seemingly had to make a lot of sacrifices.

I do think this short film presented Black female subjectivity.  I definitely felt like the Rwandan women were the subjects of God Sleeps in Rwanda.  It was packed with emotion and was good about telling stories through the women's perspective.  I mean, I felt nothing but sympathy for the individuals I saw in the film.

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