Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Blog 4

To me, mainstream cinema is the most popular and well-known type of cinema because if you use the major film studios, there is more of a chance for word to get out about your film; therefore, having more of a chance for more viewers.  Independent cinema is the less popular and less-known type of cinema because it involves not using the major film studios.  It is produced and distributed by independent entertainment companies, which makes it a little harder for word to get out, so less people may view or want to view the film.  However, unlike mainstream cinema, the interesting thing about independent cinema is that the content, style, colors, lighting, camera movements, etc. is all based on the personal opinion of the filmmaker because there would be no one telling him what he should do.  Mainstream cinemas usually go straight to the theater, but independent cinemas are screened locally before they are released to the theaters.  I was looking up different independent cinemas because I was curious to see how many I have actually seen or heard of.  I found a list of the top 50 independent cinemas, and out of 50, I have only heard of and seen one of them, which I already knew was an independent cinema.  The very first Texas Chainsaw Massacre, which was made in 1974, was an independent cinema.  This film is unlike any other independent film because it became popular and remade in 2013.  Just to show the difference between not only the years, but independent cinema and mainstream cinema, I found both trailers for the Texas Chainsaw Massacres.

1974: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vs3981DoINw
2013: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AKqFfkassgo

After watching those, you can see the obvious differences between the years, but you can also see a huge difference in camera movements, music, lighting, sound, shots, focuses and many other film aesthetics.

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